St Kilda East & Caulfield Chess Club

In 2025 St kilda East and Caulfield Chess Club will be open 3 nights per week during school terms

In addition to our Monday and Thursday nights We have added Tuesday night that will host Under 1300 (ACF rating) tournament

Please visit for full term 1, 2025 calendar

Points of difference

The club uses 8 DGT live boards during club's tournaments. So 16 players out of the most 34 are using proper world standard tournament sets.

95 percent of all Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays tournament games are analysed by IM Michael Gluzman together with players immediately after their games conclude if players wish to do so. Strategic ideas are explained in simple terms. Only last finishing games don't get this opportunity

Approximately 50% of all the games are posted on club website in pgn format

Usually Open tournament on Thursdays has 2 international masters and FIDE Master playing

Please visit for dates of our tournaments

Please fill in the form on your right if you are interested

In 2025 St Kilda Chess Club has continued to provide the general public the best opportunity there is in Australia to learn and play chess

The results and pairings for current ACF rated chess tournament could be found here Current Tournament